where to find records for Букавина region in Ukraine? 1903 and earlier.
The FamilySearch Catalog (linked) lists births, marriages, and deaths for 1840 on FHL microfilm # 1925039 Item 3; deaths for 1855-1886 on FHL microfilm # 2377670
Item 3; and births for 1877-1902 on FHL microfilm #2377670 Item 4. You might be able to access them online by going to the Catalog I linked.
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Do you have a specific town within the Букавина region? Most records are not indexed, so you'll want to know a specific location and not just the region
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we dont have a town or village as the only knowledge of the family is from the region is the immigration records coming to canada
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I would recommend doing some more research in Canadian records to see if you could find the name of the hometown (vital records, church records, naturalization/citizenship etc.). If you still can't find the hometown, you might be able to contact the Bukovina Society. They focus on research in this area and may be able to help you.
And here is an interesting article that you might like to read, that can give you some suggestions for research in Bukovina.