1.A Front
Hello I have many pictures (about 75) and letters (23) that I want to have translated and I just recently learned of this community and I am hoping you all can help. What I know is my family was Jewish and from Vitebsk, Russia which is now Belarus. I am told that this is most likely written in Belorussian, but they did also speak Yiddish. I know of only a handful of names of the relatives that stayed in Russia but I am hoping these pictures can help me identify more. I attached just two here to get started.
Thank you!
Hi Erin,
We would be happy to help. It looks like they are written in Russian.
The first picture has a date written in the flowers - 24 August 1935. There is also something above, but not all of it is included in the shot. The part that is seen says -пово-. As for the back, it reads: Я - В (Russian letter Ya (J) and V - could be initials of some kind?) and Кисловодcкe (in Kislovodsk, which is a city in Southwestern Russia), followed by what looks like Ной or Най, neither of which really translate into anything.
The other photo says: Manya on the balcony of the home (?) where we live. (?) 23rd, 33 g. (abbreviation for year, so I'm guessing 1933).
Is the handwriting on the rest of the photos and letters in the same hand? If so, if you post more of them, I might be able to get a better feel for this writer's handwriting and see if I can determine what those question mark items might be.
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I don't believe they are all written bu one person but maybe 2 or 3 people. Here are a few more.
The know last names I have are Galkin, Rivkind and Dworkin in case that helps.
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3.A back
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5.A Front
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7.A Back
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Маня на балкане нашего дома отдыха
Manya on the balcony of our holiday (vacation) home.
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На добрую память американским родным от "советской" Мани.
To my American relatives to remember me fondly, from the "Soviet" Manya.
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The photo was taken in a studio in Vitebsk. The back says:
На память сестре Бейле, от ея брата Неуха
To my sister Beila, to remember me, from her brother Neuk.
13/X (13 December) 1909
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For my dear sister, to remember me by, before leaving for Switzerland!?!
From Iofa and Ola.
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Thanks! This is amazing.
Here are a few more.
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