Ottenbach ZH - death - 1744 - sidler - cause of death
Can someone be so kind as to translate this document?
I believe the cause of his death is from hitziges Fieber = fever.
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(1744) den 8. Xbris
wurd begraben Ulrich Sÿdler von Ottenbach Dorf(?) ...(?), aetat. 32 und 9 Monath
an einem hitzigen Fieber
So you are correct: he died from a fever - more specifically hitziges Fieber = typhus.
Ulrich is listed in several Gedcom databases as Hans Urlrich, born 25.07.1612, son of Conrad Sidler and Elsbeth Müller, married 25.11.1732 Anna Hug.
Which brings me to "Dorf(?) ...(?)": not sure about Dorf - and the word after that will not be the father's name - could it be "docter" - would he have been the "village medic"?
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WSeelentag Thank you! I have a couple of medics in my family line. It is a very interesting profession back then. They often worked in public baths according to a contact I had in Ettenhausen a few years ago.
Yes he was married to Anna Hug, who I have researched. All the best!!