Hi. Can anyone more knowledgable about places and distances in Denmark help me with some sources fo
Marriage 15 Mar 1834 to Bodild Sorensdatter in Vinding, Skanderborg, Denmark
Marriage 15 Mar 1834 to Bodild Sorendatter in Vinding, Vejle, Danmark
1860 Census (with a birth date in 1804) with Bodil Sorensen in Sønder Vissing, Tyrsting, Skanderborg, Danmark
First, could Vinding, Skanderbord and Vinding, Vejle be the same place? Or, would a transcription error be likely?
With a matching birth year and wife name, it seems to be the same person, but I am having a hard time with the places.
Thank you for your help!
@mikesampson mikesampson Now that was interesting. There are two parishes named Vinding, one in each of the counties you mentioned (Vejle and Skanderborg). I checked the FS wiki to be sure about it. I looked for the marriage in Vejle and it was not there, but is found in Skanderborg. I believe this is an error by FamilySearch. Here is a screen shot that demonstrates the marriage was found in Skanderborg, but indexed as in Vejle. See red circled areas do not match. I'm thinking this could cause difficulties for researchers.
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That is amazing, Sherri! Thank you so much for helping me clear this up! I really appreciate your help!
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I have noticed quite a few errors in Danish indexing where the place name is identified differently than the cataloging.
This seems to happen mostly with affiliated sogns.
When I compare this information with other websites that also have Danish church records, I find that the cataloging is what agrees with how the other sites identify the record. That does not appear to be the case here, but can be a frequent cause of confusion with regard to place names.
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@Rasmussensuem Rasmussensuem Thank you so much for your insight!