Hello! I'm fairly new to Indexing and Reviewing; have been called as the Indexing Group Admin recen

Is there a particular category/title that should be entered into the Ward calling information to enable this?
Thanks so much for any help!
Thank you!
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@Linda Kristine Anderson
You need to be made/given the position of an "Administrator" of the 'Group'.
That can (supposedly) be done by a, Current; or, Previous (provided they still have the access rights), "Administrator" of the 'Group'.
Failing the aforementioned; then, such can (supposedly) be done by an "Administrator" of the HIGHER 'Group' to yours, that being the 'Group' to which your "Group" is SUBORDINATE - for Ward/Branch 'Groups' that is usually the "Stake" 'Group'.
Now ...
That said ...
Failing BOTH the aforementioned, you may need to contact 'FamilySearch' "Support" for that to be actioned.
I hope this helps.
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Thanks for this!!
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If you are called at the Ward level, go to the Ward Clerk and see that he enters your calling as "Ward Temple and Family History (TFH) Leader". If you are not the Ward TFH Leader, then coordinate with them at your Ward TFH Council Meetings to give input and to receive the ward TFH monthly indexing and reviewing progress reports. Also, you may ask the Stake TFH Director to routinely forward you copies of the monthly indexing and reviewing progress reports as they have access.
If you are called at the Stake level, go to the Stake Clerk and see that he enters your calling as "Stake Temple and Family History Director". If you are not the Stake TFH Director, then coordinate with them at your Stake TFH Council Meetings to give input and to routinely receive the Stake TFH monthly indexing and reviewing progress reports. At the Stake level, these reports can be seen ward by ward and also as a stake cumulative report. These reports are excellent to show each month to both Stake and Ward TFH Consultants to see the progress they are making as most people are interested in knowing their charted progress.