Is there a way to copy this source and add i
@LeckieMargaret LeckieMargaret
Good 'Question' ...
That URL ('Link') they you provided, is NOT a "Source", that URL is a "Collection", of "Sources", in 'FamilySearch'.
ie. United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014
You would NOT really add an entire "Collection" (of "Sources") to an individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'; but, you WOULD add a particular "Source" from that "Collection" to an individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
And, you would FIRST add a particular "Source", from that "Collection", to the "Sources" 'Tab', of an individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'; and, then, if there was an associated "Image" with that "Source", you could add that as a "Memory", through that particular "Source" (you have just attached).
In other words, the "Obituary", would be attached/added in two (x2) places, FIRSTLY as a "Source"; and, SECONDLY as a "Memory".
I hope you understand; and, this helps.
IF, not; THEN, get back through this post of yours.
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Sorry Brett. I meant to send the single source which shows the transcribed obituary and all mentioned in the obituary. It is attached to the person as a SOURCE, but could the snipit (maybe not with live links) be attached as a document (memory)? There was not an assciated image of the newspaper obituary attached to this source, though I think it is in the memory section, without the name of the newspaper, the date it was published, etc. So much better information in the source that would be nice to be easily seen in memories without looking through the 30-40 sources.
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@LeckieMargaret LeckieMargaret
I 'hear' you and understand ...
There many NOT have been an associated image, it may just been the "Index".
Do you realise that:
(1) ALL the people in that Obituary will still appear in the "Source" itself, for the individual/person concerned; and,
(2) IF, you have (all; or, some, of) those "Living" individuals/persons, in your "Private Spaces", in "Family Tree"; THEN, you CAN "Attached" the "Source" to those "Living" individuals/persons - it is just that NO Other User/Patron will 'seem' them/it.
Just my thoughts.