Where is the following location: Ynysygerwyn, NR, Neath, Wales?
Ynysygerwyn, NR, Neath, Wales?
Jane Lawrence was buried at St. Mary's, Briton Ferry, Glamorgan, Wales on 7 August 1849.
This location was listed on the burial record as her residence.
What does "NR" mean?
Thank you.
Have you checked the image?
The FindMyPast image has something like
Ynys y Genon
Near Neath
No idea whether the first line is a house, street, hamlet, etc. And I can't be sure of the "Genon" word. But the lower line is definitely "Near Neath", so at some point someone has abbreviated "Near".
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PS - the current version could be as you have it, though short of one letter:
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No - the version that you had is right - the 6 inch OS maps have Ynys-y-gerwyn. (Which, to this Englishman, looks more correct than Ynysygerwn or even Ynys-y-gerwn!)
See https://maps.nls.uk/view/102182832 and go a little east along the River Neath from Aberdulais.
Mind you, I still don't think that the parish register looks much like 'gerwyn or 'gerwn, but maybe the clerk knew what he meant.
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I first typed the name as it appeared on 2006 CD for St. Mary's, Briton Ferry Burial.
At you suggestion, looked at original parish burial record,
I put BOTH in "Memories".
Ynis Y Genon?
I can't find standardized place name. First word seems to be Ynys or Ynis.
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"Genon" is just my best attempt at reading a series of squiggles. I'm not convinced that it's right - if you got Ynys y Gerwyn (however it's punctuated!) from an index produced by a Welsh FHS, I'd be inclined to go with that - English speakers mangled Welsh words something rotten at that time and the writing is not that legible either. I couldn't find anything anywhere close to my interpretation of the squiggles.