Youth TFHC
Hello! I am need of reaching out to some successful Youth Temple and Family History Consultants - or rather their leaders, to coordinate an effort of putting together a video of experiences/testimonies to present to incoming Youth TFHC and their parents - to help them understand how valuable it is to have them. I know that there are several successful programs (Texas, North Carolina and Utah) - Because I have spoken to many of them at RootsTech each year, but I am reaching out to you now, wondering what and where there are more - Trying to install this program in my stake, and need to get the Stake President's Buy in - if you know what I mean!
Would love to hear from you! - You can email me privately, or respond here - And once I put my presentation together - I am happy to share it with you all! 😃
Kristi Sexton =
Did you know that we have a group specifically for helping youth and children? @Engaging Youth in Family History
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I will be interested in seeing what you put together... sorry I can't be more help!
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@XtieHere XtieHere , were you able to complete the video? Or, is that still in the works?😊 We'd love to see it! I previously posted some YouTube video invitations, including several created by youth themselves for family history challenges and conferences. I've copied them again here.
Here are some fun and motivating videos that could launch such a challenge (Note: The audience for the following videos were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. However, FamilySearch products and tools, including indexing, is open to everyone.):
- The Time is Now: Youth on Family History
- The Time is Now: Youth Family History Conference
- 40-day Family History Challenge
- Indexing: A Family History "Mission"
- Getting Started With Indexing
- Catching the Vision: Youth Who Love Family History at RootsTech
I have seen that one of the keys is enabling the youth to share their experiences, thoughts, ideas, and how doing family history work has blessed, strengthened, and impacted their lives. Their personal and heartfelt experiences can touch their leaders, parents, and the community. I've previously conducted youth focus groups, and one of the things that kept coming up is that the youth can do so much more to help others with family history than just being the "tech support." You might consider gathering the youth group together (even virtually), counseling together, and letting them lead in planning, carrying out, and ideating what they can do to influence and inspire others in relation to family history.