I am looking for the marriage records of my ancestor, Matej Soucek, 27SY-D31 (he married twice). His
https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/d/10806/29 - this is the page where the first marriage supposedly took place.
The marriages are usually held in the parish of the bride. As far as his wives, it appears you have not established their birthplaces. Is that right?
Betseylee Browning
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Maria Linek LHMQ-SHP says she was born November 1 1835 in Hilzov, Bohemia. Anna Novak says she was born in 1838 at Ovčáry, Kolín, Středočeský Kraj, Czech Republic. However, I did not put in this information so I don't know if it's correct. I'm a sister missionary and I'm very new to genealogy and research so thank you for responding! I'm gonna need all the help I can get!
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Have you noticed that there are indexes for this parish?
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Yes, I looked through them and couldn't find their names. Matej's parents got married in Hradišťko, Kolín, Czechia and after 1844 they seem to disappear from Ovcary. So my thinking is his parents may have gone back to Hradišťko 1 where they got married and took the family with them. Matej may have been married where his wife was from but possibly raised their kids where his family was located.
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According to the FamilySearch record Anna was born in Ovcary. Have you searched for her birth there? the brackets around her birth year on FamilySearch indicate the year was computer generated. You could also check the death records in the indexes to see if they died in Ovcary. Do check in Hradišťko for a marriage.
Betseylee Browning
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There are other options in this archive.
No. 3381
Place Name: Hlizov
Former Place Name: Hlizow
Place Name German:
Place Name Hungarian:
Place Name Slovak:
Place Name Ukrainian:
Judicial District: Hora Kutna
Crown Land: Böhmen
Name Begin of Vital Statistics Respective Archives
Competent Parish - Roman Catholic:
Sedlec 1650/1650/1680 Prag
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Historic map from 19th century at Mapy.cz. https://en.mapy.cz/19stoleti?x=15.2403948&y=50.0697649&z=13&source=muni&id=3456
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Could it be this one by Kolin? Every tag on this map is for a different Sedlac.
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Just figured out that Matej was Protestant. You were looking in Roman Catholic. There is a search engine you can change at the top: https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/pages/SearchMatrikaPage/puvodceId/1091?1
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I did not see his marriage for 17 Feb 1859 should be here: https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/d/8570/26 You could look in the complete year and surrounding years.
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I did not find a marriage for 14 Apr 1868 either. Should be here: https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/d/8570/62
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Finally I found something for you. Mary Linek! She is Lutheran but recorded in the Catholic records. https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/d/11770/67 image 67 bottom. The birth date is 1 Nov 1836. I will work on the translation but I might not get it done today. I will try.
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Do not see marriage in the index for Sedlek https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/d/11778/56
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born 1 Listopad (November) 1836
christened 3 Listopad (November) 1836
House 5
Lutheran, female, legitimate
Father: Karel Ljnek non Catholic, Master cooper from Hljzowa #5 son of Karla Ljuka Domkar (cottager) from Hljzowa #5 and his wife Katheriny born N (not known) Hlawacek (Hlaváček) __ __ __ __
Mother: Anna daughter of Jana Drahowzala (Drahovzal) occupation from Stariho? Kolina (Starý Kolín) house 4 and Alzbety born Pawel Winduppka familiant from Libenic No 37 "zaustwj" - panství (domain) Nowy-Kolín
Witnesses: Barbora wife of Josefa Stoika occupation, from Hljzowa #3 Catholic, and Alzbeita wife of Josef Lacyna occupation from Hljzowa #41 Catholic
You need to decide how you would enter the father of Karel Linek. The surname changes because of grammer. I would put his father in as Karel Linek and put Karla Ljuka as a alternate name. I am double checking on a couple of the surnames.
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There are two Libenic villages. This is the birthplace of Alzbety Winduppka. I think I would try #2 first.
Detail View: Gazetteer of Austrian, Czech, Slovak and Slovenian Republic
Detail View: Gazetteer of Austrian, Czech, Slovak and Slovenian Republic
No. 6558
Place Name: Libenice
Former Place Name: Libenitz
Place Name German:
Place Name Hungarian:
Place Name Slovak:
Place Name Ukrainian:
Judicial District: Sedlcany
Crown Land: Böhmen
Name Begin of Vital Statistics Respective Archives
Competent Parish - Roman Catholic:
Strezimir 1708/1708/1708 Prag
Detail View: Gazetteer of Austrian, Czech, Slovak and Slovenian Republic
No. 6557
Place Name: Libenice
Former Place Name: Libenitz
Place Name German:
Place Name Hungarian:
Place Name Slovak:
Place Name Ukrainian:
Judicial District: Kolin
Crown Land: Böhmen
Name Begin of Vital Statistics Respective Archives
Competent Parish - Roman Catholic:
Grunta 1835/1785/1784 Prag
Former Parish - Roman Catholic
Kutna Hora 1660/1672/1672 Prag
Kank 1762/1762/1762 Prag
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19th century map
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Courtney are you seeing this? Please let me know if you have any questions. To summarize I only found the birth/christening of Marye Linek. It contained two more generations back.
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Courtney are you seeing the record I posted? I want to make sure that the hours I spent researching for you aren't forgotten.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am so sorry I'm currently serving a mission at the Kirtland Historic Sites, so I haven't had much time these past couple days to spend on family history as I would like. But thank you so much for all your time and energy, it is greatly appreciated! This is so amazing and helpful, thank you again!
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I will let you know if I have any more questions, this is truly such a help, thank you!
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@Betseylee Browning I just wanted you to know that I found the marriage record for Marie Linek and Matej Soucek in Libenice, Kolin! Thank you! https://ebadatelna.soapraha.cz/d/9286/10
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How wonderful! Are you able to read it all. Send me what you can figure out and I will help you with more if I can. This is wonderful handwriting.
Betseylee Browning
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Please would you post the marriage on FamilySearch.
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