Can FamilySearch records be added as sources to Couple Relationship events without manually creating
I can see how to add FamilySearch records as sources to Person details, but not to Couple Relationship events (marriages especially). Is there a way to do this without having to manually add your own references? I would like to tag Marriage Index sources (found in FamilySearch Records search) to the marriage event - other events (Name, Sex etc) have a Tag option, but I can't see one for Couples.
@Barrie Brown
Short Answer: 'Yes', they can; but, they CANNOT be "Tagged" as such.
The BEST and EASIEST way is:
When you are attaching the 'Marriage' "Source" to the individual/person, make SURE that you "Check"/"Tick" the option of "Add Source to Source Box", on the 'left-hand-side' of the "Source Linker"; BEFORE, you actually select "Attach"
Now ...
Later ...
You go to the "Couple Relationship" ...
Go down to "Relationship Sources" ...
Select "+ Add Source" ...
Then, go down and select "Attach From Source Box"
Almost done ...
Then ...
The "Source Box" appears ...
Just FIND the relevant (Marriage) "Source" in your "Source Box" ...
[ usually one of the last ones added ]
And, then, simply, attach to the "Couple Relationship".
I do it all the time.
I hope this helps.
ps: As I advised, there is CURRENTLY no ability to "Tag" the 'Marriage' "Sources"
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Thanks Brett, that's great - very helpful.
This does mean that you can attach a source in multiple places.
Because a search tells you if it has already been attached and no longer gives the option of attaching to the family member, I had ASSUMED that the idea was to limit to one source attachment per name in the source.
Am I violating any guidance/rules by attaching the same source multiple times (well three times for e.g. a marriage certificate, one to each Person of the couple and one to the Couple Relationship)?
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@Barrie Brown
'Yes', by having a "Source" in your "Source Box", enables a "Source" to be attached to not only "Multiple" places (eg. the "Sources" 'Tab' of an individual/person; and/or, a "Couple Relationship"; and/or, also, a "Parent-Child Relationship"); but, also "Multiple" individuals/persons (ie. More than one).
And, 'Yes', a search indicates that the "Source" is ALREADY attached to an individual/person; and, will NOT allow you to attach it to another individual/person; but, from the search, you can "Detach" the "Source" from whom it is already attached and attach it to someone else - it (that search) is just not set-up to attached to "Multiple" individuals/persons (or, for that matter 'places" (ie. a "Couple Relationship"; and/or, also, a "Parent-Child Relationship"; even, that to whom it is already attached).
Finally, 'No', you are certainly NOT "... violating any guidance/rules by attaching the same source multiple times ..."; whether, that be "Multiple", individuals/persons; and/or, a "Couple Relationships"; and/or, also, a "Parent-Child Relationships"; etc ...
Though, one does not want to be unreasonable.
... ONLY, to WHOM; and, to WHERE, it should be ...
By the way ...
I believe 'FamilySearch' is working on "Tagging" the "Sources" to a "Couple Relationship" (etc), we just need to be patient.
The whole "Couple Relationship" is undergoing a major 'revamp'.
Some of the "Changes" are appearing; but, slowly, piecemeal.
I hope this helps.
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Thank you very much Brett for your excellent and comprehensive answers.
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