Trying to solve three mysteries.
My Paternal Grandfather Frank Smith Born in Rockland Maine May 17th 1881-1883? His Father Walter H. Smith...Cannot find either in Maine.
Grandfather Maternal Great Grandfather Caleb Williams from Tennesse Born in 1886 roughly, Married Clarrisa C. Boydston, Lived in Hogan Mayes Oklahoma. 1) What happened to Clarrissa after last child Roy Smith 1917. 1920 Census shows Caleb widowed, and 2) Why were they on the reservation...could my great grandfather have been American Indian?
There are 6 Public Member trees in with Caleb Williams and Clarrisa Boydston, many sources are attached. There are some pictures also. I would check out each source for information and hints. If you do not have an ancestry account , you can view the trees at your the local library or check the Wiki in familysearch for the nearest church Family History library. Williams is a Welch name and he was residing in Colorado in 1940.