Does a living mother who wants to seal her deceased son to herself and her deceased 2nd husband (ste
@ShellyR Leavitt1
Short Answer: Telephone the "Temple" and make an appointment.
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
Sealings to deceased family members
Where it states:
Living people can be sealed to deceased spouses, parents, and children.
For sealings to the dead (who have been deceased at least one year), living persons should make sure that all of the ordinances needed for the deceased [...] have been performed before the sealing.
Plus, you will need to take along a few things; as, detailed in that "Knowledge Article".
Furthermore ...
And, to be certain, as I have previously stated ...
You should pose such question with/through your local line of Priesthood authority (ie. Your local Priesthood Leadership).
As you are referring to "Temple" Work; where, some Family members are still "Living"; and, some Family members are "Deceased", can I suggest that you discuss such, 'in person' (or, over the, Telephone; or, INTERNET), with a member of your local Bishopric/Branch Presidency; and/or, if necessary, your local Stake/District Presidency.
And ...
That said ...
IF, your local Bishopric/Branch Presidency; and/or, if necessary, your local Stake/District Presidency, CANNOT provide the answers to such questions; THEN, can I suggest that, with their permission, that you discuss such, 'in person' (or, over the, Telephone; or, INTERNET), with a member of your local (ie. closest) "Temple" Presidency, they certainly WILL be able to provide you with the answers to such questions.
I hope this helps.
ps: Better that you get the correct answers to your questions from the Priesthood Leaders (or, "Temple" Presidency), rather than the wrong or only partly correct answers from those who participate in this Forum.
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Thanks @Brett .
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@Brett . I see from this knowledge article I need to mark preferred for the living mother and deceased step-father which I will do. Yes I will have the mother contact her local priesthood leader.
I am still wondering if the living mother needs to get permission from the living biological father, who isn't a member first?
Any thoughts?
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@ShellyR Leavitt1
I am out and about at the moment.
Off the top of my head, I think the answer is, 'Yes', she will; but, do not quote me on it.
Again, the best place for the answer to that is the local Bishopric/Branch Presidency; and/or, if necessary, your local Stake/District Presidency; OR, of course, the local "Temple" Presidency, who will certainly known and advise as it should be.