
Interesting 'Limits', in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
'Data Limits' for individuals/persons; and, in relation to 'Memories'.
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
Interesting article on the "Data Limits" for individuals/persons in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
What are the data limits on about people in Family Tree?
Where it states:
In Family Tree, the record for a person has the following data limits:
• Spouses: 200
• Parents: 100
• Children: 400
• Names, facts, and events in the Other Information section: 200
• Sources: 200
• Memories: 1,000
• Other persons identified as "not a match": 400
• Discussions: 50
• Individual notes: 50 (each note can have up to 10,752 characters)
• Relationship notes: 12 (each note can have up to 10,752 characters)
Good to know, I certainly was not aware of them ...
And, interesting articles relating to "Memories" and your "Gallery".
How many memories (photos, stories, documents, and audio files) can I upload?
Where it states:
If you contribute many photos, stories, documents, and audio files to FamilySearch, your gallery can become so full that is difficult to manage. If you have finished tagging the memories and titles, descriptions, event dates and places, and other information, you can move the image to your archive to declutter your gallery.
When you archive memories, they remain online for others to see. If you have tagged them to a person in Family Tree, the tag remains, and other users can still see the memories. The only thing that changes is that you no longer see the memory in your gallery.
When you view your archive, you can see the memory, edit it, add it to albums, share it, and do all of the other things you could do from within your gallery. You can also move it back to your gallery.
And ...
My gallery in Memories is too full
Where it states:
If you contribute many photos, stories, documents, and audio files to FamilySearch, your gallery can become so full that is difficult to manage. If you have finished tagging the memories and titles, descriptions, event dates and places, and other information, you can move the image to your archive to declutter your gallery.
When you archive memories, they remain online for others to see. If you have tagged them to a person in Family Tree, the tag remains, and other users can still see the memories. The only thing that changes is that you no longer see the memory in your gallery.
When you view your archive, you can see the memory, edit it, add it to albums, share it, and do all of the other things you could do from within your gallery. You can also move it back to your gallery.
Good to know ...
I hope this really helps.
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Very enlightening and helpful. One thing I've never been clear on is whether a photo goes into the Gallery if it is only directly uploaded into a specific person's Memories, versus being uploaded into the Gallery first. Your post prompted me to check, and a newly uploaded photo also showed up in the Gallery even though I had uploaded it only to the specific Memories page of the person in the photo. So I'm having to reconsider just how many photos I include for each person (some have a large number of photos). I guess I'll have to be more choosy as to which ones I upload so I don't overload the Gallery.
I'm not really clear why there are both a Gallery and an Archive now, since one of those answers says, "When you archive memories, they remain online for others to see. If you have tagged them to a person in Family Tree, the tag remains, and other users can still see the memories. The only thing that changes is that you no longer see the memory in your gallery. . When you view your archive, you can see the memory, edit it, add it to albums, share it, and do all of the other things you could do from within your gallery. You can also move it back to your gallery." That would seem to essentially just be redundant. What am I missing?
But thanks for the post! That's great information.
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@Chris Schmink
Just my thoughts ...
The "Gallery" of Users/Persons is the ACTIVE place, to Work.
The "Gallery" can get too full; and, hence, the access to the "Gallery" can slow down.
The "Archive" of Users/Persons is the INACTIVE place, to Store - as, it is just that, an ARCHIVE.
It DOES NOT matter if the "Archive" is too full; and, hence, access to the "Archive" slows down.
Work / Access
We simply WORK in (and, with) the "Gallery".
We ACCESS the "Archive" (ie. STORAGE) , if and when necessary.
Again, just my thoughts.
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Thank you for sharing this information with us @Brett .