I would like to know how to find my2nd great grandfather's birth record.
Name: Anton/Apolonary Urbanowicz birth year 1866, married Maria she dies 1895,migrates to U.S.in1903 with two sons. Goes back to Lithunania marries Sophie Bukowska brings her and four children to the U.S. in Octoer 1906. He died in 1919 in Williamstown, New Jersey. Before coming to the states in 1903 he lived Lingisekach, Vilna/Wilna.
Ships to the U.S there are many documents about these people
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Lori, do you know where Anton was born or where he married Maria? That would help us know where to direct you to look for records.
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Lori, I see that you have a tree on FamilySearch. I'm not sure where records for Alanta are located. The map on https://gengen.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=feb35d29fa9f4582a71d728c77ef286e does not list earlier enough church records for the parish. The online church record database epaveldas.lt does not have records for this location either.
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He was born in 1866. No I don't know where he married Maria
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Thank you for trying. I found out that he may have lived in Kaunas. Is there any information on this area.
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Lori, are you sure he lived in the city of Kaunas? The district and province were also called Kaunas (previously Kovno between 1843 and 1915).
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Thank you. I do have information on the ship he came on. I am looking for his birth record or any records of him in Lithuania.
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I believe that he lived in Kaunas,Lithuania at some time before coming to the states. His brother Stanislav was already in the states. The first time he came was with his two sons in 1903; at some point went back got remarried to Sophie Bukowski they had three children which he brought over in 1906 along with his daughter from first marriage to Maria. As far as I know Maria died on route when they were leaving Lithuania in 1903. I do not know much about Maria. Sophie, his second wife is my great, great grandmother. Born in Mikhalishki, Ostrovets district, Grodno region, Belarus on 15 May 1877. I have a date as of 1897 for marriage not sure if this is correct. Any help in finding information will be greatly appreciated.