Translation Request: Schwäbisch-Hall Death Record for Johannes Horlacher (1 Page)
Miglior Risposta
Annus 1729
MIttwoch den 7. Dec:
Johannes Horlacher, geweßter Bürg[er] u. Beck[er] allhier, ist ehelich gebohren anno 1658 den 8. Marty zu Rieden. Sein Vatt[er] warMichael Horlacher bürg[er] allhir u. beck[er] u. Würth zu Rieden. Die Mutter aber Apolonia e. geb. Schenckin. Nach erlangter Wied[er]geburt wurde er Xstlich erzog[en], u. da er lust zum becker-handwerck hatte, erlernte er dasselbe bey Xstoph Frid: Ruding becker allhier, bey welchem er auch hernach bey 12. jahr geblieben. Anno 1688 den 1. May hette Er sich verlobt mit Margaretha, deß Ehrsamen Jordans seel. Stadtkochs u. Kremzlers(?) allhier ehel. Tocht[er], u. mit Ihr erzeugt 3. töchterl:, so G[ott] ergeb.
Anno 1696 den 10. Apr: versprach Er sich das andre mahl mit __ Maria, Joseph Weidners seel. geweßten Rathsdieners allhier ehel. tochtter, u. erzielte 6. Söhne u. 3. töchter, davon noch 1. Sohn u. 1. tochter bey leben. Sein Xstenthum beobachtete er löblich, besuchte den Gottesdienst fleißig, lebte still u. verträglich, kam bußfertig zum h. ab[en]dmal u. war in seinen mancherley Kranckheiten gedultig, vor 8. Tag setzten husten u. Engbrüstigkeit an, daß der patient gantz kraftloß wurde. Er sehnte sich dabey nach r. seel. end, welches Ihm der gütige G[ott] vergangenen Sonntag ab[en]ds gegen 7. Uhr angedeyhen ließ.Translation:
The year 1729
Wednesday, 7 DecemberJohannes Horlacher, a former citizen and baker here, was legitimately born in Rieden on 8 March 1658. His father was Michael Horlacher, citizen and baker and innkeeper in Rieden. His mother was Apolonia née Schenck. After his baptism he was brought up as a Christian, and as he was interested in the baker trade, he learnt it from Christoph Fridrich Ruding, a local baker, with whom he remained for 12 years afterwards. In 1688, on the 1st of May, he became engaged to Margaretha, the legitimate daughter of the honorable deceased Jordan, late town cook and ? here, and with her, according to God's will, he had 3 daughters.
In the year 1696, on the 10th of April he married for the second time, __ Maria, legitimate daughter of the late Joseph Weidner, servant of the town hall here, and became the father of 6 sons and 3 daughters, of whom 1 son and 1 daughter are still living. He observed his Christianity commendably, attended church services diligently, lived quietly and tolerably, came to the holy communion penitently, and was patient in his many illnesses. Eight days ago a cough and constriction set in, so that the patient became completely powerless. He longed for his blessed end, which the good Lord granted him last Sunday at about 7 o'clock in the evening.1
Thank you very much