Translation Help: a few names & words for these baptisms
Hi! There are some names here that I can't figure out (mostly the last names). Then there is a word after "Johann" that I'm not sure what it is. I don't think it is part of his name.
Here is what I think these 3 baptisms say and what I am missing or have no clue:
Year 1682:
27 April baptized girl Maria Catharina Müller, daughter of Johann Balthasaze? Müller, in front of Georg Wi_? & Catharina Ose.
3 December baptized boy Johann __ __, son of Julÿ ??, in front of Johann Jodoco Loÿ & Dorothea Böning [The first witness shares the same 2 given names, but I've never heard of this name before, and I can't quite read the child's name anyway.]
20 December baptized boy Johann , son of Johann __, in front of Johann Garmes? __ & Maria __. [This one has so many "I dunno". Sorry.]
One more mystery for today:
What is this word after "Johann"? He is mentioned a few times throughout the first few pages (lots of kids). I think his name is Johann "melchion" Otte. It isn't a capital letter, so I think it's a status or occupation, maybe?
Thank you so much for your help! So many great helpers! I have been learning so much and recognizing more and more terms and names. I'm trying to keep a list of German names and their romanized equivalents.
Hello @Rachel S. Mullins,
Personal names, especially surnames, are the most difficult words to decipher. I had a difficut time with some of these names myself. You did a very good job with these records.
I will translate the three baptismal records which you can then compare with your translations. FYI: The word "Levantibus" in each baptismal record translates as: lifting; this indicates that the names following are the child's godparents/baptismal sponsors who are lifting/holding the child at the baptismal font. You could more simply translate this word as "godparents". I'll show examples of each in the translations below.
Baptismal record: 27 April 1682:
On the 27th of April Maria Catharina Müller was baptized, daughter of Johann Balthasar Müller; lifting [the child at the baptismal font] were Georg Wilzell? and Catharina Ose(n).Baptismal record: 3 December 1682:
On the 3rd of December Johann ________? Spetter? was baptized, son of Julÿ? [perhaps Julius?] Spetter?; godparents were Johann Jodocus/Jodokus Loÿ and Dorothea Böning.Baptismal record: 20 December 1682:
On the 20th of December Johann Fuchs was baptized, son of Johann Fuchs; godparents were Johann Garneshausen/Garmeshausen and Maria Stangen [could be Stange or Stang].Last image:
Following Johann is his middle name "Melchior" which was the name of one of the Three Wise Men.
[Don't necessarily let a non-captial letter throw you off — capitalization "rules" were very loose.]0