Ottenbach ZH - burial - 1771 - Sidler - Jacob
1771 Jacob Sidler burial 2 Oct Ottenbach film page 683
Hans Jakob Sydler von Ottenbach, gar krank circa 2 Tag. at: 65 Jahr 8 Monath u. 5 Tag. an der Dysenterie
Hans Jakob Sydler from Ottenbach, quite ill for 2 days. Aged 65 years 8 months and 5 days. Died of dysentery.
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Daniel57704 Daniel, I so appreciate your transcription and translation. You are obviously very knowledgeable. Meeting people like you in the community has been the greatest blessing in my life. Thanks for your work! I publish everything I am learning on my website. Each person has their own page. When I get everything in order on a person, using a Mac, I save the page as a PDF and upload it to FS. Best regards, KG