Death translation request
I have interpreted this—-please provide missing details
House No. 48 Johann Martin Dute, Annie Christina Krück from Rockensüß , son of Johann Adam Dute and Anna Christinena nee Laudran.
Born Rockensüß 8th September 1774
Died ????? Buried ?? September 18380 -
House No. 48 Johann Martin Dute, dayworker married to Annie Christina Krück from Rockensüß , surviving legitimate son of Johann Adam Dute and Anna Christine
naneeLaudranLandau.Born Rockensüß 8th September 1774
Died 30 August 1 a.m. Buried 2 September 1838
0 -
Two additional minor edits:
. . . Johann Martin Dute, dayworker married to
AnnieAnna Christine Krück from Rockensüß . . .0 -
Thank you both. Glad to get the death/burial date (previous trees were not the same as I was reading on this record.)