Ottenbach ZH - baptism - 1670 - Hug - Hans
This is the father of Anna Hug, wife of Jakob Sidler:
Den 11.ten Decemb. (1670)
Kind: Hannß.
Elteren: Hannß Hug der Schmid [the smith] allhir / Anna Wÿßin [today Weiss],
Zeügen: Xander Gut der Krämer hir [Alexander Gut, the Grocer here] / Thrina Müllerin Leüthenampt [Leutnant] Gneesers Frauw hir.
0 - Some Pastors just do a much better job of adding important details. One such man was Ottenbach Pastor Hans Ulrich Wiesendanger who served in Ottenbach from 1656 and was Dean since 1668. He died in 1677. Loved this entry because it added so many details.
I looked up Alexander Gut's marriage and birth in hopes it would contain the word "grocer". No luck. KG