Translation Request - Marriage Henryk Zacharias & Fryderyka Grind, 1845, no. 14, Konin
Again, thank you for your help.
Translated from Polish:
Marriage Record No. 14, Konin, Evangelical Parish, dated the 13th April 1845, of Henryk Zachariasz (Zacharias), a young man of Evangelical faith, miller from Krasnica, he is 26 years old, son of Fryderyk Zachariasz, a miller in village Kornaty in Prussia, and of his deceased wife, Anna Louisa, born Zimmer, he was born in Konkolawa (?), Prussia, and of a maiden Fryderyka Grinder, daughter of Fryderyk and Elzbieta, born Hankner, married couple Grinde, settlers, already deceased, she is 22 years old, she is of Evangelical faith and lives in town Golina. Three Marriage Banns published in the local Evangelical Church. No impediment detected. No prenuptial agreement. Witnesses: Samuel Fleiszer, a butcher in Golina, 48 years old, and Karol Milbrat, a miller in Golina, 28 years old, a guardian of the mentioned above bride. Signatures of Heinrich Zacharias, Karl Milbrartd, and Samuel Fleiszer.