Translation Request - Baptismal Wilhelmina Henryetta Baganz, 1849, No. 123, Konin
Please help me with this translation. Thank you.
Translated from Polish:
Micr. 007999267 Image 145 of 682
Birth Record No. 123, Konin, Evangelical Parish, of Wilhelmina Henryetta Baganz, born in Konin on the 16th September 1849, christened on the 7th October 1849, daughter of Ludwik Baganz, a local bricklayer, 42 years old, and of his wife, Ernestyna, born Milbrat (?), 35 years old. Witnesses: Wilhelm Schike, a local hat maker, 32 years old, and Fryderyk Wilhelm Patschke, a local blacksmith, 28 years old. Godparents: the above-mentioned Wilhelm Schike and Karolina Patschke, born Doling. Signatures of Wilhelm Schicke and Friedrich Petschke.
Translated from Polish:
Micr. 007999267 Image 6 of 682
Birth Record No. 3, Konin, Evangelical Parish, of Karol Rudolf Baganz, born in Konin on the 10th December 1845, christened on the 18th January 1846, son of Ludwik Baganz, a local bricklayer, 39 years old, and of his wife, Ernestyna, born Milbrat, 34 years old. Witnesses: Karol Milbrat, a distiller from Paprotnia, 22 years old. Godparents: Karol Milbrat and Wilhelmina Pactschke from Konin.