Kilchberg ZH - burial - 19 May - 1828 - Schwarzenbach - Kaspar
Hans Caspar Schwarzenbach
von Adlischwil, starb an Altersschwachheit, s(eines) Alters 70 J, 4 M, 11 T [b(aptizatus) 08.01.1758] [besaß ein Hof in Waldi-...., überliß denselben s(eine)m Sohn, u(nd) kaufte in Adlischwil wo er starb.
Starb (Monday) 19. Mai / B(e)gr(aben) (Thursday) 22. (Mai 1828)
Hans Caspar Schwarzenbach died from age-related weakness, aged 70y 3m 11d (which fits his baptismal date exactly). He had owned a "Hof" (literally a farm, more likely just some premises) in Wäldi (cannot identify the name of the premises), which he left to his son (I guess. Elisabeth was his second wife), after he bought something (like a care place - is not mentioned) in Allschwil, where he died.
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Found in EDB:
Kilchberg 23.06.1778
Schwarzenbach, Hans Kaspar, Adliswil, married Welti, Elisabeth, Adliswil
Married again 1808; + 1828
+ 12.3.1805 - which will most likely when his first wife died.
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Great work!! Thanks for the additional note. Loved the details on what he did for a living!! KG