Translation Request - Latin Marriage Record
Some words in the left fold are difficult to read, but here is my transcription:
Hodie vigesimo secundo mensis Novembris Anni millesimi Septingentesimi
vigesimi tertii Melchior Spitz filius Francisci Spitz civis in Epfig, et
Margaretha Neglerin vidua defuncti Melchioris Spitz etiam ___ civis
_ Epfig, ambo commorantes in hac parochia, dispensatione super impedimento
tertii affinitatis gradus, quo invicem iuncti sunt, a Rmo ordinario nostro
__petrata, pro ut mihi ex litteris sub data dici 12 mensis Novembris anni
1723? desuper comessis, ac penes me remanentibus constitit, duabus seum?
__perfutione unius _ proclamationibus in hac ecclesia duntant? publice
__, nec ullo nisi dicto affinitatia gradu impedimento detecto, a me
infrascripto parocho Ecclesia parochialis in Epfig praevie recepto
__sensu mutuo, sacro matrimonii ___ in facie Ecclesia coniuncti
__runt. adfuerunt testes Franciscus Spitz pater sponsi et civis in
Epfig, Thomas Gossman civis in Epfig, Mathaeus Negel civis
in Gerwiler, Michael Meyer civis in Stotzen, qui omnes
mecum subscripserunt, vel notam suam fecerunt declarantes
___ scribere.Translation:
(the Latin syntax is difficult to translate directly, so this is more of a translation of meaning)
Today, November 22nd of the year 1723(?), Melchior Spitz, son of Franz Spitz, citizen of Epfig, and Margaretha Negler(in), widow of the deceased Melchior Spitz, also former(?) citizen of Epfig, both members of this parish, were united in holy matrimony by me the undersigned pastor of the parish church after previous mutual consent. Dispensation upon impediment of the third degree of kinship, by which they are related to each other, was received from our ___?, as I was informed by the letter under date of the 12th of November 1723. Proclamations in the local church were made and no other than said impediment were detected. As witnesses were present Franz Spitz, the father of the groom and citizen of Epfig, Thomas Gossman, citizen of Epfig, Mathaeus Negel, citizen of Gerwiler (, Michael Meyer, citizen of Stotzen (, who all signed together with me or made their sign if unable to write.
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Thank you so much!