Translation Request BR ? Komprecht 1875 Ettenbeuren

3rd from bottom.
I know Father is Franz Komprecht and the Mother is Theresia Rotter but I can’t make out the name of the infant. Caton? Thanks so much.
Miglior Risposta
Translation by column:
Name of the child: Cajetan Komprecht
Type of birth, name of the midwife: Baumeister
Name of the father: Franz Komprecht
Status and religion of the father: Söldner (small farmer), catholic
District court, residence, house number: Günzburg, Unterrohr, house no. 20
Name of the mother: Theres Rotter
Status and religion of the mother: as for the husband
District court, residence and house number: as for the husband
Date and time of birth: 5 August 1875, 7 pm
Day of baptism: 7 August
Pastor or deputy: Joh. B. Leib, Pastor
Baptismal witnesses: Cajetan Strutler, master carpenter, Josepha Rotter, Söldner's daughter from Schönenberg1
Thank-you @Ulrich Neitzel . I missed that house number. I will add it to my places to visit when I go back to Germany.