a Polish Family Bible
a Polish Family Bible
can anyone extract basic name/vial info from the record?
Psalm 46
Charlotta Sdrenka
Born the 2nd March 1862,
Christened on the 10th March 1862
Consecrated on the 28th Nov.
She received this holy writ from legat Louisowy for Christmas from her spiritual father (Priest)
Alt. Ulkta (?) 24 January 1872
My child, in this holy writ, your God speaks to you, in your life act in accordance with it. Amen.
A prayer after reading those scriptures (the Bible).
My Eternal Father in Heaven, praise, glory, and humble thanks unto Thee for this great kindness that you have by this manna of your Divine Word nourished me, strengthened me, and comforted me. May Thou now kindly inscribe what I have read with Thy holy finger in my heart and seal it with Thy Holy Spirit that Satan would not take them out of my heart, but that I would keep those words for ever in my heart and having them would rejoice eternally in Thy presence. Amen.
As regards the surname Sdrenka.
Please check contemporary surnames in Poland using and enter ?drenk in the top box. You will find that in year 1998 there were no people with surname Sdrenka in Poland, only Zdrenka, total 359 persons with that surname for 38 million people in Poland, and 18 with surname Zdrenko. If you click on text in blue Tutaj znajdują się objaśnienia skrótów, you will find explanation of the abbreviations for areas in Poland, and if you click on Zobacz mapę at the top, you will see location on a map of those places.
If you use geneszukacz.genealodzy.pl and enter Sdrenka and check off Wyszukiwanie dokladne or exact search, you will find earlier records as indexed in Geneteka, and you will get Sdrenka surnames only in warminsko-mazurskie region, with exactly your spelling of Sdrenka. When you unclick Wyszukiwanie dokladne or exact search and then search again, you will find few more names similar to Sdrenka. http://herby.com.pl/indexslo.html