Ottenbach ZH - baptism - 1671 - Sidler - Jakob
Kent Gardiner
den 3. t(en) Septemb(ris) [1671]
Kind: Jacob.
Elteren: Hannß Ruodi Sÿdler Wagners allhir / Margreth Grobin.
Zeügen: Jagli Schneewelj allhir / Barbel Hegenschwÿlerj.
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Wolf, Most jobs get no mention but when you fix or build wagons everyone knows and the Pastor mentions it in most of your documents. Thanks!!! KG
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Caution: it says "Wagners" not "Wagner": whilst derived from the profession, here it is more of a nickname for the entire line (same profession over more than one generation) to differentiate this Hans Rudolf Sidler from others with the same name - with Sidler being a fairly common name in the parish.
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