Knonau ZH - Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - 1683 - Urmi - Baregg several
It appears some of the Urmi family are still in Baregger. Anna and Alexander are gone and some of the children have married. This writing is difficult for me to decipher. I will leave it up to you as to what is relevant to our study.
This is the last document before maps. I am curious if you have a better source for 1600s maps of Knonau and Bragger? What do you think of what I found so far? This little hamlet holds a great deal of interest for me.
Regards and best wishes: KG
Folget der Hoff Buch vnd Baregg
Following are Hoff (farm) Buch and Baregg
1 Vli Vrmi / Regula Vollenweider (oo 03.03.1678)
Kinder: Hanßli (3), Anneli (1½)
11 Jaggeli Vrmi dermal (earlier) in Buch / Adelheit Funck
Diße habend by sich des Mans Schwöster Barbeli Vrmi (13)
They have with them the husband's sister Barbara Urmi (≈ 09.03.1670)
111 Arbogast Vrmi ledigen Stands (not married - gets married 14.11.1683)
Margreth Vrmi sein Schwöster .... ....... leibs.
Cannot decipher two words with confidence - but assume his sister Margreth was pregnant; check 1683/84 for an illegitimate child of a Margreth Urmi.
15 Felix …. Wäber (weaver) / Margretha Meÿerin
I am not sure about this entry (cannot find a marriage record) - but definitely not an Urmi.
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I am not recognizing any of Catharina Sidler and Heinrich's children in this list. Am I correct? Thanks for all the work and time!! KG
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Are you talking about Heinrich Huber oo 1661 Catharina Sidler? They lived in Mettmenstetten, later Urdorf: why would you expect their data in the Bevölkerungsverzeichnis Knonau?
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"… check 1683/84 for an illegitimate child of a Margreth Urmi."
I have just realised that I have these pages on my harddisk: no such baptism, at least non in Knonau.
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Geneal-Forum: this transcription looks plausible - but the text doesn't really make sense for me 🤔.