Research Assistance - Norway Birth Record
I would like assistance reading a birth record for my ancestor Knud Tostensen. This record comes from the Modum, Buskerud parish records for illegitimate births. I can see the parents are Tosten Pedersen and Berthe Olsdatter.
My question is actually the second half of the entry which appears to talk about a marriage between Tosten and Berthe, but I can't decipher it. Any help with this would be aprreciated. A link to the image from the parish records is below. Thank you.
Your link doesn't work, and it is usually best to just give the quick link to the Digitalarkivet page which in this case is:
I was able to find it by searching first at FamilySearch with the information you gave then using the dates from there find the record. The majority of the records at the Digitalarkivet have been transcribed so if you use the search link on the same page as the image, you can quickly see what the transcriber read. Depending on who did the transcription, these can vary in accuracy. You can see on the transcription page who working on the record and for this one it was Tore Stustad. The transcription is here:
Here is what Tore transcribed: "23 S.e.Trin. S? vidners Oplysning. Tosten Pedersen skal være gift mand fra Langerud i Sigdal. Efter oplysning af 7de Jan:1800 skal Qvindfolket hede Berthe Knudsdr fra Sigdal, opholdt sig nu paa Skjebrek, og Barnefaderen skal være Tosten Olsen Foss, Ungkarl af Sigdal skal være af Arne Skjebrek urrigtig? opgiven"
In case you need it, here is my translation: the 23rd Sunday after Trinitas S? witnesses information. Tosten Pedersen is supposedly a married man from Langerud in Sigdal. According to information given 7 January 1800 supposedly the woman was named Berthe Kundsdatter from Sigdal who now resides at Skjebrek and the child's father is supposedly Tosten Olsen Foss, bachelor from Sigdal, supposedly was by Arne Skjebrek incorrectly? reported"
From what I can make out of the hand writing, the transcription takes a couple of liberties with the text but is pretty much correct. Wow. I don't envy you the mess you've run into! Knuds parents are either a Tosten Pedersen and Berthe Olsdatter or a Tosten Olsen and Berthe Knudsdatter. I wonder how they decided who his parents really were.
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Wow. Thanks for taking the time to both find the record when my link didn't work and for assisting with the transcription/translation. Yes, this is a mess.