translation request marriage 1890/91
1890/91 Ziegler Marriage, Scan 65, #32 Dabie,Evang.
Translated from Russian:
Marriage Record No. 32, Dabie, Evangelical Parish, dated the 23rd November 1890, of Bogumil Ziegler, a clothier, 37 years old, an Evangelic, born in Dabie, son of Bogumil and Rozalia, born Wandke, married couple Ziegler, both deceased, he is a widower after death in Dabie of Wilhelmina, born Tide (Thiede acc. to Poznan Project), Death Record No. 67, year 1890, and of a maiden, Julianna Schmidt, 44 years old, an Evangelic, born in Dabie, Birth Record No. 142, year 1846, daughter of August Schmidt living in Dabie, and of Karolina, born Ludwig, she lives with her parents. Marriage Banns published in Dabie, Evangelical Church, the prenuptial agreement entered into in Dabie on the 11th November 1890, No. 583. Witnesses: Karol Raich and Juliusz Ziegler, each 53 years old, clothiers from Dabie. Signatures: G. Ziegler, J. Schmidt, J. Ziegler, and K. Raich.