Ottenbach ZH - Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - 1634/40 - Grob - families
Triggered by transcriptions of Barbara Salzmann's baptism 19.02.1604 and Margaretha Grob's burial 14.04.1683 I've had a look at other documents on your page:
Felix is from Knonau - likely the father of
Joß Grob / Vreni Salzman
>> Joß 7 (* abt. 1627) / Margreth 4 (* abt. 1630) / Hans 1 (* abt. 1633)
Hans Heinrich Grob / Barbel Salzman
>> Vreni 3 (* abt. 1631) / Barbel 1 (* abt. 1633)
Heinrich Grob der Müller / Barbara Saltzmannin
Joß sein Bruder ist in der Müllj zu Affholteren
Margreth soror (sister) 16 (* abt. 1624)
The children are most likely belonging to Heinrich and Barbara Salzmann:
Verena 15 (* abt. 1626) parents married 04.08.1626
Barbara 7 (* abt. 1633) / Hanß 5 (* abt. 1636) / Elselj 3 (* abt. 1637)
Ages of Vreni/Verena don't agree.
Why is Margreth (* 15.07.1638) missing? It is known that the year given for the document is not necessarily the exact year of data collection - checking the 1643 list might help.
WSeelentag You never cease to amaze me. This a great help in working with the Grob family. Thanks for posting this! I will spend time on this later today!