Seeking Obituary Wojtek Smyrski - b-1991- d 2007
Is there a way to find the obituary for this young man, Adalnbertus (Wojtek by family) (GG94-DKW) that died at 16, in the Tatra Mountains? My niece found the gravestone, then I was introduced (virtually) to his father. Once I realized this was his son, I did not want to ask him any details about it. Thank you for any insights or suggestions. I appreciate it. Mattie
Birth: 28 September 1991Rzeszów, Podkarpackie, Poland
Death: 28 October 2007 Rzeszów, Podkarpackie, Poland (Tatra Mountains, Poland)
Source: GrobONet Cmentarze Komunalne w RzeszowSource:
Smyrski Descendant Report: page 51
Migliori Risposte
Mattie, obituaries are not as popular in Poland as they are in other countries. What I remember were one page notices of who died and when he/she would be buried posted on the board by the local church. There could be articles published after death of well-known individuals, or notes of accidents, but they are rare. You may contact on the Facebook, Polish Genealogical Society, and find out from them if currently there are obituaries published in Poland where Wojciech Smyrski was buried, probably in Rzeszow. But searching on Internet I did not find any mention of his death or burial.
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Maria, Thanks very much. I had no idea. I could not find anything searching the internet either but I was also searching only in English. I'll try your suggestions. I appreciate it. Mattie