Translation request Marriage Leokadia Ziegler

Marriage 1894, #14 Dabie, Evang
Leokadia Ziegler to Aleksander Teodor Konitzer - her parents Juliusz and Amalia Tiesler
Translated from Russian:
Marriage Record No. 14, Dabie, Evangelical Parish, dated the 14th May 1894, of Aleksander Teodor Konitzer, a bachelor, a merchant, of Evangelic faith, 28 years old, (born on the 19th August 1865), born in Dabie, son of Gebhardt, a weaver from Zgierz and of his wife, Emilia Augusta, born Tisler, he lives in Zgierz, and of a maiden, Leokadia Ziegler, of Evangelical faith, 25 years old (born 11th December 1873), she was born in Dabie, daughter of Juliusz, a weaver in Dabie, and of Amalia, born Tiesler, she lives with her parents. Marriage Banns published, the permission of the father of the bride was granted. Witnesses: Robert Reichett, a miler from Dabie, 43 years old, and Heinrich Ziegler, an innkeeper from Dabie, 33 years old. Signatures: Alexander Konitzer, Leokadia Ziegler, H. W. Liewke, and Robert Reichett.
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