translation help
My attempt at translating this. Can you help me with bold items? And correct any errors :) I'm sure there are several assumptions on my part. Thank you!
Bredstedt, city, at the/ on the marsh; Is located in the province of Schleswig Holstein., The Regierungsbezirk (government district that is in hierarchy between the State and Kreis level) and Bezirkskommando (District Military Command) are located in Schleswig, The Kreis (government district _similar to a U.S. county) is located in Husum, The Landgericht (District Court) is located in Flensburg, 2740 E ? ; Post office with Telephone, Telegraph located in Husum-Lindholm ; The Amtsgericht (Lower District Court), Standesamt (Civil Registration Office), and Amtsbezirk (District Office) are all located in Bredstedt. StrandA, Bnmeist (Train?), 1 Protestant parish church. Winter=, Höh. Girls School, Further Education (university?), Hospital, Electric power plant in Holstein?. Bank Branch, KredVer, Savings and Loan Association: small wares market, horses, bidding market (produce/food perhaps?), Grain merchant/trade : Tannery., GeldichrankZigarren (cash box cigars?), Artificial Stone Factory, Dairy, Min., Sawmill, Brick work, tile works, brick or tile factory. Including/in addition Bredstedt Field Marker? 85 E. (Davon Schüzenhof 6) is this a person’s estate? Location?
Well done!
- at the/ on the marsh: I would probably say "in the marshlands", i.e., the lowlands at the North Sea coast
- Pr., Schlesw.-Holst. = Prussia, [province of] Schleswig-Holstein
- 2740 E. = 2740 Einwohner (inhabitants)
- P, E : Post and Railway station with telegraph on the Husum - Lindholm line
- StrandA = Strandamt (Beach/coast office)
- Bnmeist = Bahnmeisterei (Railroad maintenance workshop)
- lw. Winter-, Höh. Mädchen-, FortbildSch = landwirtschaftliche Winter-, Höhere Mädchen-, Fortbildungsschule (Agricultural winter school, secondary school for girls, advanced training school)
- Holst. BkFil., KredVer., SpDrl. = Holsteinische Bankfiliale, Kreditverein, Spar- und Darlehenskasse (Holstein bank branch, credit association, savings and loan association)
- Kram-, Pferde-, Viehmärkte = Stuff, horse and cattle markets
- Geldschrank-, Zigarren.-, Kunststeinfbr = factories for safes, cigars, artificial stones
- Mln. = Mühlen (mills)
- Hrgr = Häusergruppe (group of houses, hamlet). "Feldmark" is the open field outside of the city (Bredstedterfeld, "Schützenhof" (shooters yard) is probably a single farm. The numbers give the inhabitants (E = Einwohner).
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Here is a link to the many abbreviations found in Meyers Gazetteer:
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Thank you once again for filling in the blanks! Resource tips were very helpful, so thank you both. I have noticed on the Meyers Gazetteer map that there are numbers throughout. Is there a key to what those numbers might stand for?
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The numbers you are probably referring to are the elevation above sea level in meters.
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The small number ("27") is the altitude. I don't know what the circled numbers ("14") are. They are not mentioned in the legend of the map
; they do not seem to be present in all German areas.0