Translation help needed -- Secymin
Jan Weiss and Maryanna Klan marriage record:
Marriage Record No. 3, Secymin Nowy, dated the 17th January 1858, of Jan Weiss, a bachelor, 20 years old, tenant farmer born and residing in Famułki Królewskie, son of Jakub a tenant farmer, and Karolina, born Szulz, married couple Weiss, living in Famułki Królewskie, and of a maiden, Maryanna Klan, 21 years old, daughter Michał a tenant farmer, and Elzbieta, born Tylkow, married couple Klan, living in Moskiewski Grunt (now called Polski Grunt and is part of the village Karolinów), born in Famułki Łazowskie, living with her parents in Moskiewski Grunt. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns published in this Evangelical Church in Secymin. The oral permission of the father of the groom was granted for this marriage. There were no impediments. The newly marrieds did not enter into a prenuptial agreement.
Witnesses: Gottfryd Lesske, a tenant farmer living in Famułki Łazowski, 36 years old, and Samuel Tylke, a tenant farmer living in Karolinow, 35 years old.
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Michal Weiss and Rozalia Loewe marriage record
Marriage Record No. 3, Wyszogrod, dated the 19th November 1861, of Michał Weiss, a bachelor, 19 years old, born and residing in Kromnow, son of Michał, a soldier, and Anna, born Szultschniederow, married couple Weiss, living in Kromnow, and of a maiden, Rozalia Loewe, 20 years old, daughter Gottlieb, a tenant farmer, and Rozalia, born Demow, married couple Loewe, living in Piacki Duchowne, born in Piacki Duchowne, living with her parents in Piacki Duchowne. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns published in this Evangelical Church in Secymin. The oral permission of the mothers was granted for this marriage. There were no impediments. The newly marrieds did not enter into a prenuptial agreement.
Witnesses: Gottlieb Rux, a tenant farmer living in Piacki Duchowne, 45 years old, and Karol Drachsaberg(?), a tenant farmer living in Kromnow, 37 years old.
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Jan Weiss and Katarzyna Kass marriage record
Marriage Record No. 40, Wyszogrod, dated the 26th November 1862, of Jan Weiss, a widower, 25 years old, a day laborer, born and residing in Famulki Krolewskie, son of Jakub, a tenant farmer, and Karolina, born Szulz, married couple Weiss, living in Famułki Królewskie, previously married to Maryanna Wiess, born Klan, who died 15th January 1859, and of a widow, Katarzyna Lass, 35 years old, daughter of the deceased Michał, a day laborer, and the deceased Marya, born Smult, married couple Zyttlac(?), last living in Kępa Polska, Maryanna was born and living in Władysławow, previously married to Frydryk Lass, who died 15th March 1857. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns published in this Evangelical Church in Secymin. The oral permission of the mothers was granted for this marriage. There were no impediments. The newly marrieds did not enter into a prenuptial agreement.
Witnesses: Michał Bajerle, a teacher living in Famulki Krolewskie, 29 years old, and Gottfryd Lesske, a renter living in Famulki Krolewskie, 40 years old.
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Thank you thank you!