Seeing middle initals as surnames when people are named as a group
The "Consistency" scores are flagging obituaries through established FS Databases where a series of children in an obituary are named in list, at the end of which is the surname. So "Tom T., Dick D., Harry H. Smith" for example get consistency issues for Tom T., and Harry H., because the system doesn't understand that "T." and "H." are middle initials.
In the case of Madison Welsh (Madison W., or M.W.) Monnett(e), 9NWD-K78, the system has flagged his placement in his father's obituary because it is reading the W. in "Madison W." as his surname, not a first name with a middle initial.
If this is something that cannot be adjusted, does FamilySearch have a standardized wording for the "dismiss" reason?
@monnettohio Thank you for your feedback. A ticket has been issued for the issue :)
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Thanks Rhonda! SJKH
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@monnettohio an algorithm update has been sent down. This should be corrected. Please take a peek and let us know. And thank you again for your help.
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Rhonda, Thanks again for everything.