Word describing age in 1746 Alsace death record
5th record on left side page. What is the word describing his age? He should have been about 60-65. Is it something like unknown? elder? many? Looks to read 'imge jahr'
:Den 24ten Octobr ist todes Verblichen Meister Johann Georg Eisenbies gewesene Bürger und Zimmermann allhier, und ist den 23then ejusdem mit gewohnl. Christl. Ceremoniy Zur Erden bestattet worden, seines alters ??inge Jahr. Solches z.
:[signed:] Christoph Eÿsenbeÿß der sohn
:Clauß Brand als Zeug
:Year: 1746
:The 24th October died, Master Johann Eisenbeis, former Citizen and Carpenter here, and the 23rd of the same [month] was then buried with the usual Christian ceremony in the Earth. His age ?? years.
:[signed:] Christoph Eÿsenbeÿß the son
:Clauß Brand as Witness
Migliori Risposte
Hello @Tom Randolph,
The word you are asking about is a variant of the German word "ungefähr" = approximately.
. . . seines alters ungefähr 60 Jahre = . . . his age approximately 60 years.
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P.S. I read his burial date as the 25th of the month (rather than the 23rd) because he died on the 24th.
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You're welcome, @Tom Randolph.
@Robert Seal_1 , Thanks! I need to take a break — I totally misread that last bit '60 jahr' as Solches…. otherwise I should have gotten the ungefähr. And thanks for spotting the date mistake.