Difficult phrase in 1754 Alsace marriage record
- last record on righthand page. Suggestions please for the father's occupation and transcription and translation of phrase describing the circumstances of the marriage — as indicated in bold below. Thanks!
:Den 17ten Xbris ist Andreas, weÿl. Hans Wolffen geweß Bürgers und ?birbers?? allhir und Anna Götzin seiner Ehefrau nachgel. ehel Sohn, mit Anna Maria, Hanß Mittelhaüsers gews schirmers zu Brumath und Elisabeth Engin sl hsfrau nachgel. Tochter, nachkin? wie?? sich?? miteinander fleis ??, ist Iootag, pravia censura coram presbyterio ??ss?? verstatung?? miteinander copuliert.
:[signed] Anderas Wolffen (X) als brautigams handzeichen
:Anna Maria Mittel (+) haüserin als braut h zeichen
:J. Pff. Lemgste l.p.
:Year: 1754
:?? Entry no.?
:The 17th December, Andreas, surviving legitimate Son of the late H? Wolff, former Citizen and ?? here, and Anna Götz his Wife, with Anna Maria, surviving Daughter of Hanß Mittelhaüser former non-citizen resident of Brumath and Elisabeth Eng his wife; xxxx together xxx upon previous criticism/complaint made before the council of church elders, xxx permission married together.
[signed] Anderas Wolff (X) as groom his mark
:Anna Maria Mittel (+) haüser as bride her mark
:J. Pff. Lemgste l.p. [local pastor]
Source: Archives d’Alsace; Archives Départementales du Bas-Rhin; Geudertheim - Registres Paroissiaux (Avant 1793) - Registre de mariages 1736-1787 - 3 E 155/8; Image consulted at https://archives.bas-rhin.fr/detail-document/ETAT-CIVIL-C156-P2-R153579#visio/page:ETAT-CIVIL-C156-P2-R153579-3689734; Image 18 of 77
Miglior Risposta
My guess for the occupation of the father would be barbier = barber.
I can't fully read all words in the other passage, but the here is my try:
… nachdem die sich ___? miteinander fleischl[ich] vereinigt? hatten praevia censura coram presbyterio in öffentl. Versammlung miteinander copuliert.
… after they had united in the flesh [had sexual intercourse] were married in a public congregation after previous admonition before the church council.
@Ulrich Neitzel : Excellent! That was a challenging one to read, but not knowing German makes it impossible for me to even guess. Much appreciated!