Aeugst am Albis ZH - death - 1754 - Landis - Caspar
Aeugst am Albis 1754 burial Caspar Landis 79 yrs Apr 7 film 008125657 page 216
Last document on page.
den 7. Aprill (1754). AltWachtmeister Caspar Landis, der Rotgerwer in der Wengi. Aet(atis) Annos 79.
Text: E. S. Lucas: XXIII:42,43.
Lk 23,42 Then he said, Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.
Lk 23,43 Jesus answered him, Amen, I tell you, this very day you will be with me in paradise.
Am Palm=Sonn=Tag … 20 J.
I am not sure, how to interpret this: Memorial Masses on Palm Sunday for 20 years?
Caspar Landis is mentioned more specifically as red tanner. The age (79) fits his baptism 1675.
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I have found the explanation for the last line - see also it is not "20 J" (20 years) - but entry #201. Palm Sunday 1754 was on 7. April - so it merely notes that the deceased died (or was buried?) on Palm Sunday.
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One of the more interesting entries in my line! Not sure I understand about his profession. Is he an AltWachtmeister. (Old policeman) and a red tanner? Perhaps he started as a policeman and ended his life as a tanner. I absolutely love finding out my ancestor's jobs. Wonderful work.
I also find it interesting he lived so long. Do you have information on the life spans during the 1700s? In any case. Great work! You are awesome. Thanks for all you do!
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"Not sure I understand about his profession. Is he an AltWachtmeister. (Old policeman) and a red tanner?"
Well - we have had this discussion before:
Wachtmeister is NOT a profession, but a (likely) military position - and the "Alt" tells you that he had at that time retired from this position.
His profession (and ONLY profession) was tanner.
Life expectancy: a tricky subject - you cannot compare life expectancy (data for newborns) then and today. This was governed by the large percentage of children not surviving their first 5 years. Also for adults LE has increased since then - but 80 year olds are not sensational.
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Thanks for the clarification. KG