Does anyone have any information on Peter Gordon DUXBURY 1940-1996?
His mother Emily Duxbury lived in Barkleys, Leeds 11 until 1939, she went to London and then to Bristol in Gloucestershire where her son Peter Gordon Duxbury was born in 1940. I know he was fostered, never adopted, have no name or record of his foster parents in Cornwall where he grew up. Emily went to America, returning later in life to live her days out in Whitby.
Peter Gordon Duxbury born 1940 - 1996 grew up in Cornwall then Blanc and died 22/9/1996 in Brighton East Sussex but was buried in Cornwall in 1996.
This is a missing link in the Duxbury family tree. I’m 97 years old, having trouble finding his marriage, occupation and cause of his early death.
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If you click on the box above you will see I have attempted to answer your query, providing suggestions about what actions you need to take. Obtaining a copy of his death certificate is the first step I would take, as this should provide an occupation, cause of death and possibly the name of a close relative for the informant.
Please return here if you have any further queries, but you might need someone alongside you if the ordering process for death, marriage and birth certificates appears a bit daunting.