Edit an existing photo tag (that I entered)?
I don't see a way to do this. The only alternative I find is to completely delete the tag, then start all over: "lasso" the person in the picture again and enter a "tag" and then look up the attached person.
If I make a mistake in the original tag, there seems to be no way to edit that. Even if I attach to a person, the original (incorrect) tag remains: there is no option to use the profile name of the attached person.
The prompt for a tag seems to indicate that you can enter an ID. One would expect that it would do a look-up of the ID. It does not. It just enters that "ID" as the tag for the photo. You still have to do a look up from the Tagged People sidebar, and when attached to the person with that ID, the "ID" remains as the tag on the picture, even though you more likely want the name to appear there…
to edit a "tag name" that you created, in the tagged people list on the right side, select the person. Click the arrow to open the tag tools.
The tag name will show in quotation marks.
Underneath click "Show All Memories Tagged with This Name"
The page that opens will show the tag name—click to edit the name for all memories you tagged to the name at the same time