Translation Request Johann Heinrich Steinke & Anna Florentine Geisler MR No 20 Kolo 1865
Thank-you so much
Translated from Polish:
Marriage Record No. 20, Kolo, Evangelical-Augsburg Parish, dated the 1st November 1865, of Jan Henryk Steinke, a young man, farmer in Lubomysl, 20 years old, born in Lubomysl, son of Jan Steinke, who used to be a settler, and now he is supported by alimony (periodical payments), residing in Lubomysl, and of his deceased wife, Anna Elzbieta, born Martyn, and of a maiden Anna Florentyna Geisler, residing with her mother in Police Male, she is 17 years old, she was born in Police Male (see Birth Record No. 20, year 1848), daughter of deceased Bogumil Geisler and of his living wife, Anna Justyna, born Wendland, residing in Police Male. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns announced in Konin, Evangelical-Augsburg Church as the parish of the groom, and in Kolo, Evangelical-Augsburg Parish, as the parish of the bride. There was no impediment detected. The father of the groom and mother of the bride gave oral permission for this marriage. The newlyweds state that they have not entered into a prenuptial agreement. Witnesses: Fryderyk Luc, a farmer from Police, 30 years old, and Fryderyk Wendland, a farmer from Olszak, 35 years old.
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Thank-you Maria.