Transcription request for handwritten Altenstadten emigration document - p31 Euler 1858
This is page 31 of a set of Altenstadten emigration documents that I received from Hessen archives in Wiesbaden. I believe this one applies to Margaret Euler's emigration in 1858. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Miglior Risposta
In response to your petition of the 12th of this month, permission is now granted for the emigration of your minor children and for the auction of the real estate described in the submitted field court certificate.
The date for the auction of the real estate is set for the 19th of this month at 8 o'clock in the morning at your home in Gross-Altenstaedten. The mayor (Schultheiss) Höring is to be called in.
You must make the announcement yourself and present the relevant certificate to the auctioneer on the date before the auction begins.
The emigration consens dated the 28th of last month is hereby returned to you.
Wetzlar, March 13, 1858
Royal District Court, II. department
[address in the lower left corner:]
To the widow of Philipp Euler
Margarethe née Schaub
in Gross-Altenstaedten0
@Ulrich Neitzel
Thank you!