Translation Request: Birth Record
Record no. 106
Translated from Polish:
Birth Record No. 106, Lipowiec Koscielny Parish, of Anna Napierska, born in Turza Mala on the 23rd July 1866, christened on the 29th July 1866, daughter of Antoni Napierski, a country squire (a country gentlemen) owner of nobility part, resident of Turza Mala, 38 years old, and of his wife, Paulina, born Lesnikowska, 30 years old. Witnesses: Jan Janowski, tenant of part of land, 45 years old, and Jan Tyszka, a country squire of part of land, 36 years old, both from Turza Mala. Godparents: the above-mentioned Jan Janowski and Salomea, his wife.