Translation Help Needed for Swedish Map 1698
The paragraph at the top of the map seems to be saying this is a map of Björke in Rolanda. I would presume that Björke is a village in the parish.
Can you be more specific in which words you need translated?
You might try looking at the Rolanda Wiki page in the FamilySearch Wiki. There are some place names from the Wiki that I can see on the map, but I am not sure they are the ones you are inquiring about. That Wiki page is here:
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Hi Norm, thanks for trying. yes Björke is a place in Rolanda parish, but it is not on any of my maps and I have old maps of Rolanda from 1690 to 1800s. My objective is to determine where this is in relation to other maps, so Björke is a beginning point. Unfortunately, the internet likes another Björke, which is on an Island in Goltlands. I tried to leave you a screenshot of the area I want the words translated but the new format won't allow it. So, I need to further understand why. But in the meantime, if you look around the buildings in the center of the picture and words that are around these buildings will help locate this map. Let me know if you have any luck? Thanks for you effort.
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Ok Norm, I have found Björkelund and there is a small river running just south like this map you are looking at. So some of the names around the area that should match include Strucken to the south. The buildings on the old map seem to match the building in Strucken with Björkelund north with one building. . Ängen to the south and below the river. And Käxbo to the east and south. I'm looking forward to seeing if you can make out any of the words around the buildings and to the west.