Translation of Burial Record Please
Migliori Risposte
Here's the translation by column -
No. 143
Name of the deceased - Carl Friedrich Block, from Posawaldt in Pomerania, Krebsstr[asse] 22
Occupation and religion of the deceased - formerly room painter, more recently alms recipient
Age (years, months, days) - 27 [years, other columns blank]
Wife or children survivors - [blank]
Day and hour of death, in letters and numbers - twenty-fourth 24 June, afternoon four 4 o'clock
Cause of death - consumption
Pastor who was notified of the death - [from first entry in column - Pastor Reinhardt from the (funeral home?)]
Day of burial - 27 June
Cemetery - [blank]
Note - here is a link for Posewald in Pomerania from Meyers Gaz -
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Thank you so much.