Curious: Widow had 3 babies long after death of husband

Elizabeth Lappe was married to Johann Jacob Langguth in 1847 in Gellershausen, Hildburghausen, Thuringia, Germany. Hey died in 1852 in Adunska Wola, Lodzkie, Poland. By then their children had died. Three children were born to her in 1857, 1861 and 1864 in Zdunska Wola. Two of their surnames were Langguth and one appeared to be Lappe. I cannot find any record of remarriage for Elizabeth Lappe. Do you have any thoughts about this situation? I have the birth documents which need translating from Polish, and I plan to bring them to the FHL when I visit there Apr 15-18 but could send them earlier. Do you have any suggestions about how I might proceed?
Please send the copies of the birth records to this Poland Research Community, if it is OK with you, and I will translate them from Polish or Russian.
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Thank you. I am attaching them below. The scans of all three are from, lodzkie. All are from Zdunska Wola. I appreciate your help!
Sue Luchs
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Translated from Polish:
Birth Record No. 51, Zdunska Wola, Evangelical Parish, of Stanislaw Lapp, born in Zdunska Wola on the 9th March 1861, christened on the 15th March 1861, son of Elzbieta, born Lapp, a widow after death of her husband, Jakub Languth, 10 years ago, she is 35 years old. Birth reported by Julianna Frost, a widow, midwife, 75 years old, in the presence of witnesses: Ferdynand Hausler, a weaver, 49 years old, and Fryderyk Krahner, a cooper, 23 years old, both residents of Zdunska Wola. Godparents: the above-mentioned witnesses and Julianna Frost.
Translated from Polish:
Birth Record No. 51, Zdunska Wola, Evangelical Parish, of Dorota Langguth, born in Zdunska Wola on the 15th February 1864, christened on the 18th February 1864, an illegitimate daughter of Elzbieta Langguth, born Lappe, 36 years old, father unknown, she is a laborer, resident of Zdunska Wola, a widow after death of Jakub Langguth. Birth reported by Elzbieta Lapp, born Werner, a widow, midwife, grandmother of the newborn, she is 64 years old, resident of Zdunska Wola. Witnesses: Wilhelm Kruszwitz, 36 years old, and Franciszek Heinrych, 49 years old, both weavers, residents of Zdunska Wola. Godparents: the above-mentioned witnesses, Dorota Langguth, born Baumann, and Antonina Galert, born Gliwczynska.
Translated from Polish:
Birth Record No. 152, Zdunska Wola, Evangelical Parish, of August Langguth, born in Zdunska Wola on the 10th October 1857, christened on the 11th October 1857, son of Elzbieta Langguth, born Lapp, 31 years old, a widow after death of Jakub Langguth, a weaver who died on the 30th September 1852, she is resident of Zdunska Wola. Birth reported by Elzbieta Lapp, grandmother of the newborn, a widow, 58 years old, resident of Zdunska Wola, in the presence of witnesses: August Majer, 31 years old, and Jan Beik, 26 years old, both weavers, residents of Zdunska Wola. Godparents: the above-mentioned witnesses, and Marianna, wife of Hikisch.
Sue, after death of her husband, Jakub Langguth/Languth, Elzbieta Lapp/Lappe was a widow with 4 children. It is possible that she was supported by someone who was well enough to help her, but could not marry her because he was already married. I translated similar records. Doing DNA tests may be helpful.
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Eppich, Maria, I am so grateful! My hypothesis has been that one of Jacob's brothers may have supported her and may have been the father of these children. That may have been a sort of Old Testament Biblical practice. I don't know if this family had those religious tendencies. I do know that the Langguth family were weavers. So it is interesting that other people in these documents were weavers. Thank you for taking the time to look at and translate these records so carefully. I appreciate you so very much!
Sue Luchs