translation request birth Karol Wilhelm Ludwig/parents Samuel/Anny Renata Zygler

Birth Karol Wilhelm Ziegler 1825 Dabie Evang.
Scan 43, Cert. 159
Translated from Polish:
Birth Record No. 159, Scan 43 of 88, Dabie, Evangelical Parish Civil Records Office, of Karol Wilhelm Ludwig, born on the 1st September 1825, birth reported on the 2nd September 1825, son of Samuel Ludwig, 30 years old, of Evangelical faith, maker of cloth in Dabie, and of his wife, Anna Renata, born Zygler, 21 years old. Witnesses: Benjamin Scyfert, 40 years old, and Karol Fyszer, 36 years old, local residents, makers of cloth. Signatures: Samuel Ludwig and Benjamin Scyfert, both makers of cloth.
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thank you….so much!
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Yes, thank you! I meant Ludwig.