Translation Request - Unknown adendum to birth record - Andreas Bieda Rec no 17
Please help with the translation just below the birth record of Andreas Bieda (Rec no 16) in record no. 17. I notice it has Andreas's parents Joannes Bieda and Catherina Tluczek, but I cannot figure out what it is about. Thank you for any insights or assistance with this. I appreciate it. Mattie
Lubenia natorum
Reference code 56/2303/0/-/1
Dates1808 - 1835
Archives Archiwum Państwowe w Przemyślu
Collection Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Lubeni
Migliori Risposte
Record No. 17, Lubenia, House No. 129, a still birth of a female infant, delivered to Joannes Bida and Catharina, born Tluczek, farmers. No baptism performed.
(It was probably one of the twins, as this is the next birth record after birth of Andreas Bida. It was not alive when delivered, it was a girl which was not baptized, no godparents.)
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Dear Maria,
Thank makes sense. Thanks very much. I appreciate it.