Translation Request Johann Sturman and Anna nee Hemmer(in) children godparents' names
Thank you for translating one vulgo name and the godparents' names and vulgo names for four of the couple's children. Best, Tammi
Child Johann Sturman: 3rd record down, born Nov 1, 1816, please translate the vulgo name of the father Johanan Sturman and the name of the godparent, Anton?
Child Maria Sturman: 3rd record down, born Dec 9, 1820, please translate the name of the godparent, Maria?.
Child Cacilia Sturman: last record, born Aug 20,1823, please translate the name of the godparent, Magdalena?.
Child Antonius Sturman: fourth record down, born May 2, 1828, please translate the name of the godparent, Michael Kurzl?