Are Absalom Waters FSID: G7QM-V5S and Absolum Waters FSID: LRDG-JDL the same?
@WatersMichael asked:
Similarly, are Jane Owens FSID: G5WD-NSK and Jane Owens FSID: G7QM-V4S the same individual? Furthermore, are the ancestors of either couple (G7QM-V5S and G7QM-V4S vs LRDG-JDL and G5WD-NSK) accurate? The two couples represent my ancestors in two separate family trees and I cannot determine which tree (i.e., before the couples), if either, is correct. I would greatly appreciate any help that can me get past this "brick wall." Both Virginia and North Carolina are involved. Many thanks!
Tagged: waiting for answer
Note: This post was moved from the Virginia Research Group which is no longer active
First problem: Absolum Waters FSID: LRDG-JDL has NO attached sources.
Second problem: his wife Jane Owens FSID: G5WD-NSK also has NO attached sources.
So I'm doubtful about both profiles.
Then, one of the THREE sources for Absalom Waters FSID: G7QM-V5S is listed as "Bulletin of the Geneological Society of Old Tryon County" with no details of what's published there and the "reason this source is attached" is "Bulletin of the Geneological Society of Old Tryon County" (with that mis-spelling).
While HIS wife Jane Owens FSID: G7QM-V4S has NO attached sources.
There's simply not enough EVIDENCE attached to 3 of these profiles to determine if they're separate people.
A starting point would be to duplicate tracking the "source" listed from the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County source entry and see exactly WHAT was published, and ITS source.
Given the time period and the rural society of the time you are going to have to work whole family profiles, tracing siblings and nieces/nephews as well as uncles/aunts. (Love me some bachelor uncles and maiden aunts!)
Good hunting, and good luck.